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Building a winning campaign is crucial to the continuing success of your brand.

Having tested hundreds of ads in the past years, we have united all the insights we gathered into one integrated copy testing tool – AdWiser.

AdWiser allows you to verify that your ad is reaching the goals set by the marketing team.

It also provides comprehensive insights and specific recommendations on how to improve the performance, hence, getting the most out of your advertising budget.

AdWiser incorporates the most advanced emotional analysis, by combing both explicit and Facial Coding measurements, allowing you to understand what is the emotional response of each and every second of your ad.

Backed by a team of ad specialists that have thorough understanding on how ads work and how to improve them makes AdWiser the optimal copy testing solution.


To learn more about AdWiser product family and how they can improve your ad, press here.

AdWiser copy testing

Building a brand is a challenging task.

Identifying the market situation and brands’ position and choosing the right path for your brand, can be a tricky task, even to the most experienced professionals.

Having helped numerous organizations design their brand strategy, we have sat down to design our brand strategy/equity tool with few goals in mind:

  • Provide insights about the category and consumers

  • Provide clear understanding about the brands’ equity and its foundations

  • Identify brands’ position in the category and how consumer perceive them

  • Calculate and recommend the optimal strategic path for the brand.


BrandID succeeds in answering all these goals and more, providing clear vision to your brand’s success, BrandID has being helping many companies build a winning strategy, grow their brand and their equity.


To find out more details about BrandID press here

BrandID brand equity

Designing a successful new package or a website is a big gamble. Not every day does a company replace them and the stacks are high.

Opto-Lab was design to reduce these risks by combining three methodologies:

  • Eye Tracking technology

  • Quantitative research

  • Qualitative (hands-on) research

We believe that by combining all these methodologies, we can help optimize all aspects of the new package or a website.

Make sure it can answer all marketing goals and help your brand grow.


To find out how we can help you improve your packaging or website press here


Opto-lab package testing
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